Longboarddeal - Evura: +31(0)35 5446937

Order at Longboarddeal

In order to place an order on Longboarddeal we put together a step-by-step instruction of the whole order process.

1. Select a product

Click on an article of your choice.
  • A. Choose the amount
  • B. Click on “Add to Cart”.


2. Go to Shopping Cart

You can find the shopping cart on the right side at the top of the page. By hovering over the shopping cart it will expand, so that you can see what you’ve already put in there. By clicking on the cart you open the Shopping Cart Page. There you find an overview of the products you’ve put in the cart and additionally you can calculate the shipping costs.

  • A. Do you want to order more than 1 product? Please enter the correct amount and click on “Refresh Shopping Cart”.
  • B. By clicking on “x” you can remove an item from the Shopping Cart.
  • C. Enter your zip code and the country of destination and click on “Show Payment Details” in order to see the shipping costs.
  • D. There you can also redeem a voucher.
  • E. Ready to place your order? Click on “Proceed to Checkout”.


3. Checkout

In order to process your order, we need several personal information, shipping information and your payment preference. You can order as a new or a registered customer:

New customer on Longboarddeal.nl

If you are a new customer on Longboarddeal.nl you can either create an account or place an order without registering. Placing an order with an account is very easy. If you place a new order you do not need to re-enter your personal information. You can simply log in with your e-mail address and your password. Did you make a choice? Please click “Next”.

Registered customer on Longboarddeal.nl

Do you already have an account on Longboarddeal.nl? In that case you only need to enter your e-mail address and your password and click on “log in”. You do not need to re-enter your personal information.


Enter your Personal Information and Address

Now you have to enter your personal information and address. If the delivery address is the same as the billing address, you can simply choose “ship to this address”. If the delivery address differs from the billing address, choose “ship to another address” and enter the delivery address. Ready? Please click “Next”.


Shipping or Pickup

Now you can choose whether you want your order to be shipped or picked up. You can choose to pick up your order at physical store in Hilversum. If you choose this option, we will contact you as soon as possible, after your order has been placed in order to make a pick-up-appointment. If you choose “Shipping” your order will be delivered. Ready? Please click “Next”.


Payment Method

You can choose between different payment methods. Please choose one of the following payment methods in order to continue. Ready? Please click “Next”.


Complete your order and pay

Before you complete your order you can check and edit it again.

Is everything correct? Please click on “Place Order”. The agreement is concluded. After that you receive an order confirmation.

If you choose to pay with iDEAL, PayPal, Credit Card, Bancontact/Mistercash or SOFORT banking, you will be redirected to the payment service of your chosen payment provider. There you can pay directly. After paying you will be redirected automatically to Longboarddeal.nl.

If you choose to pay via “Bank Transfer”, you can transfer the amount of your order into our bank account.